한국의 전적
/msg me with additions or corrections.
Mad props to mauler for inspiring this format in his nodes on Japanese history and Chinese history.
World History >
Korean History
Prehistory (to 2333 BC)
Ancient Korea (2333 BC - 57 BC)
Three Kingdoms (57 BC - 562 CE)
Silla Dynasty (562 - 935)
Koryo Dynasty (918 - 1392)
Chosôn Dynasty (1392 - 1910)
Chosen in the Japanese Empire (1910 - 1945)
The Korean Schism (1945 - 1953)
The Two Koreas (1953 - present)
- 1954 - Sun Myung Moon founds the Unification Church.
- 1955 - Kim Il Sung first defines juche. Choi Hong-Hi gives a name to his new martial art: tae kwon do.
- 1958 - North Korea begins its Chollima economic campaign.
- 1960 - Rhee is forced to resign after an election scandal. Park Chung Hee becomes president of South.
- 1961 - KCIA founded.
- 1965 - Korea-Japan Basic Treaty signed. North Korea builds its first nuclear reactor, Yongbyon, with Soviet help.
- 1968 - North Korea attacks the Blue House, and then seizes the USS Pueblo in international waters: America responds with Operation Red Fox.
- 1972 - Kim Il Sung's 60th birthday celebration engulfs the North. KCIA director Lee Hu Pak secretly meets with Kim. North and South Korea issue Joint Statement on Unification. Park declares martial law in South, introducing yushin.
- 1974 - Park's wife is assassinated in the National Theater, ending unification talks.
- 1975 - North joins the Non-Aligned Movement.
- 1976 - Operation Paul Bunyan
- 1979 - KCIA director Kim Chae Kyu assassinates Park. Choe Kyu Ha becomes president of South.
- 1980 - General Chun Doo Hwan seizes power in a South Korean coup.
- 1981 - New South Korean constitution promulgated. KCIA becomes National Intelligence Service.
- 1983 - Korean Air flight 007 is shot down. North Koreans kill seventeen members of Chun's cabinet in a Rangoon bomb blast.
- 1985 - U.S. intelligence discovers the Yongbyon reactor, and the North is pressured to enter the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
- 1987 - North Korean spy Kim Hyun Hee is captured following the bombing of Korean Air flight 858.
- 1988 - Chun steps down amid widespread demonstrations; Roh Tae Woo becomes president of South. Seoul Olympics. North's economy reaches its peak, and begins a steady decline in output that will last into the next century.
- 1991 - Construction is halted on the Ryugyong Hotel, the North's tallest building.
- 1992 - North agrees to halt its nuclear program and accepts IAEA inspectors. China establishes relations with South.
- 1993 - North withdraws from Non-Proliferation Treaty. Kim Young Sam elected president of South.
- 1994 - In a tense nuclear atmosphere, Jimmy Carter travels to North Korea. Kim Il Sung dies, and is replaced by son Kim Jong Il.
- 1995 - Sampoong Department Store Collapse claims hundreds of lives in Seoul.
- 1997 - Asian Financial Crisis. Kim Dae Jung elected president of South.
- 1998 - North Korea launches its first Taepodong missile, proving that it has ICBM capability.
- 2000 - Kim Dae Jung and Kim Jong Il meet for the first time, at the peak of the sunshine policy. U.S. and Japan ease economic sanctions on the North. Kim Dae Jung receives the Nobel Peace Prize. Incheon International Airport and the Seohae Grand Bridge open.
- 2002 - World Cup : Korea/Japan 2002. George W. Bush includes North Korea in the Axis of Evil. Roh Moo Hyun elected president of South amid mass anti-American protests. North expels observers and shuts off cameras at Yongbyon.